How Do You Know When How to Pinch a Tomato Plant

Pruning love apple plants: how and when to do it

Pruning tomato plants can maximize the number, size, and flavor of your tomatoes. Warm up your pinching fingers and your garden clippers… and find out how a little trim can mean bigger, tastier fruit.

Why love apple plants grow side stems and suckers

tomato sucker growing just above a leaf branch

Tomatoes are energy factories fueled past sunlight. During their beginning several weeks in the garden, before blossoms emerge, tomato plant plants put their energy into growing new leaves. Shortly, actress branches emerge to hold more leaves.

A side stem grows directly off the main stalk. Suckers are new branches that grow out of the love apple'southward primary stem, simply above a leaf co-operative or side stem (in the "crotch").

Equally tomato plants get bigger, their leaves produce even more energy. That's why they go on to put out stems and suckers throughout the season. Suckers that sally in mid- to late season are well-nigh always weak, produce inferior fruit, and drain away energy from the main stem. Likewise, suckers nigh the bottom of the plant are stronger than those near the top because the plant'southward sugar concentration decreases up the height of the found.

Why pinch off or clip suckers?

gardener grasping tomato sucker to pinch it off

There are several good reasons pruning tomato suckers can help your plants.

  • Earlier production. If you let a sucker grow, it will become a full-blown stem and develop its own blossoms. Extra stems divert energy from the principal plant's fruit product. When you prune suckers, plants invest less energy in producing extra branches and leaves and more than energy in fruit, producing an earlier ingather.
  • Larger, healthier fruit. Overgrowth means leaves get less sunlight. Un-pruned, unstaked tomato plants go weighed down. When you clip suckers, more than leaves are exposed to sunlight and can make energy for the plant. Plants direct energy to existing branches and blossoms, producing larger fruit.
  • Disease prevention. If unsupported, un-pruned tomato plant plants spread into a horizontal position on the ground. Water splashes upward on leaves, spreading fungi and bacteria. Plants become more susceptible to diseases similar leaf spot and tomato rot. When y'all prune suckers, leaves stay drier and diseases don't spread as easily.

pinching off tomato sucker

wound where tomato sucker was pinched off

How to pinch off a sucker: "simple pruning"

Pruning tomato sucker shoots when they are young and tender is better than waiting until the sucker is mature and strong. Carefully grasp the base of operations of the sucker between the thumb and forefinger. Pinch information technology or bend the sucker dorsum and forth gently until it snaps. This technique is chosen "simple pruning."

Use your fingers to pinch young suckers rather than clippers or a knife. Pinched wounds will heal quickly and are less disease-prone on young plants. When stems become older and tougher you may need to use garden clippers rather than fingers on older plants. Disinfect your tool to foreclose an infection to the love apple plant.

(Check out other ways to prune tomato plants.)

Pruning tomato plant side stems

To grow the strongest tomato plant possible, clip side stems beneath the first fruit cluster.

When to prune the lower leaves

Equally a tomato institute matures, its lower leaves brainstorm to yellow. Pinch or prune yellowed leaves to prevent affliction, improve the lycopersicon esculentum plant'southward advent, and aid the plant keep its energy focused on fruit production.

Pruning cautions

Don't overprune in hot climates. If you grow tomatoes in an area that is hot, be careful not to overprune. Besides much sunlight or steady, intense sunlight tin can lead tomatoes to develop sunscald.

Go piece of cake on pruning determinate varieties. Determinate tomatoes prepare the bulk of their ingather at one fourth dimension. Each institute volition produce a limited number of fruit before ceasing production. Avoid pruning tomato determinate varieties or pinch back simply suckers that appear below the starting time blossom cluster, or you lot will reduce your yield. Indeterminates, on the other hand, will continue to grow and gear up fruit until frost. Pruning love apple suckers on indeterminates helps produce healthier, tastier, more arable fruit.

Pruning and staking go mitt in hand

When a tomato institute is nicely pruned and staked well, its foliage tips are open to the lord's day and are able to conduct photosynthesis without excess stress. Because the institute doesn't have to work actress hard to make sugar, energy produced past the leaves invested in developing strong, flavorful, healthy tomatoes. (Learn more about staking tomatoes.)

Is pruning absolutely necessary?

Pruning tomato plants isn't required. You may choose not to clip your tomatoes and still have an acceptable crop. Tomatoes require only sunday, water, and nutrients to abound. Pruning enhances production – more than tomatoes, bigger tomatoes, and more flavorful tomatoes.

Get more pruning tips on our Pruning Tomatoes Pinterest board.

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Render from Pruning Love apple Plants to Tomato Clay abode

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