What Is the Mac Address That Is Used to Send a Frame to Every Local Ethernet Device?
Broadcast Frame
Session management
Stefan Rommer , ... Catherine Mulligan , in 5G Cadre Networks, 2020
vi.2.3.five Handling of broadcast
I specific aspect that introduces some challenges for mobile systems is the frequent apply of broadcast in Ethernet networks. Ethernet circulate frames are due east.yard. used by the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and IPv6 ND (Neighbor Discovery) protocols to notice what MAC address corresponds to a sure IPv4 or IPv6 address. In full general, if a UE or a peer on the DN bug a broadcast, information technology would be replicated onto all Ethernet PDU Sessions belonging to the same DN. Local policies in the UPF can signal whether broadcast replication is allowed.
In case a broadcast is due to ARP or ND protocols, but 1 of the UEs would reply to such circulate message and the residue would discard it. Not only would this inundation the NG-RAN for lilliputian do good, it would also wake upward all UEs in CM-IDLE state for no existent reason. Therefore, information technology is possible for the SMF/UPF to reply to an ARP/ND message on behalf of the UE owning the MAC accost and thus avoid sending the ARP/ND message to any UE.
Information technology can be noted that a prerequisite for the SMF/UPF to exist able to reply to an ARP/ND on behalf of the UE is that SMF/UPF knows the mapping between IP address and MAC address and has stored this mapping. The ARP/ND proxy feature thus requires that IP address allocation to the UE and devices backside the UE is handled by some protocol running over the user plane (eastward.1000. DHCP) and that SMF/UPF can audit that traffic to deduce IP address to MAC address mapping.
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Accost Resolution Protocol
Walter Goralski , in The Illustrated Network, 2009
Neighbor Discovery Protocol
The Neighbour Discovery protocol is the manner that IPv6 hosts and routers discover things out virtually their firsthand neighborhood, typically the LAN segment. A lot of endeavor was expended in IPv4 to find out configuration necessities such equally default routers, whatever alternate routers, MAC addresses of adjacent hosts, and so on. In some cases, these addresses could not be plant automatically with IPv4 and had to be entered manually (the default router). IPv6 was designed to be almost automatic in this regard.
When an IPv6 host comes up for the first time, the host advertises its MAC layer accost and asks for neighbor and router information. Considering these messages are in the form of ICMPv6 messages, only the basics volition exist presented hither.
Why Neighbor and Router Discovery?
Why does IPv6 take separate neighbor and router discovery letters? Later all, IPv4 did fine using a single broadcast frame structure for host–host and router–host address discovery.
IPv6 is more sophisticated than IPv4 when information technology comes to devices and networks. In IPv6, devices can be located on a local multiple access link (LAN), which are considered on link, or off link. Generally, at that place are a lot more hosts on a network than routers. IPv6 directs letters that observe host addresses simply to the local hosts, while messages to find one or more default routers are processed only by the routers.
Instead of a unmarried mass broadcast, neighbor discover in IPv6 is washed with multicast groups. Nosotros'll talk about multicast in more item in a later chapter.
Many routers today forward packets in hardware, but broadcasts have to exist candy by software. IPv6 routers can ignore the numerous letters sent from host to host on a LAN. This makes the use of the network resources with IPv6 more than efficient.
The ARP function in IPv6 is performed past four messages in ND. The Router Solicitation/Router Advert mechanism is noteworthy in that it provides the cardinal for host IPv6 address configuration, default route pick, and potentially even bootstrap configuration data.
Neighbor Solicitation—This bulletin is sent past a host to find out the MAC layer address of another host. Information technology is as well used for Indistinguishable Address detection (Does another host have the same IPv6 address?) and for Neighbor Unreachability Detection (Is the other host still there?). The receiving host must reply with a Neighbour Advert.
Neighbor Advert—This bulletin contains the MAC layer address of the host and is sent in answer to a Neighbor Solicitation message. Hosts also send unsolicited Neighbour Advertisement when they first start up or if whatsoever of the advertised data changes.
Router Solicitation—This message is sent past a host to observe routers. The receiving router must reply with a Router Advertisement.
Router Advertizement—This message contains the MAC layer accost of the router and is sent in reply to a Router Solicitation message. Routers also send an unsolicited Router Advertisement when they first get-go upward if whatever of the advertised information changes.
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Analyzing Network Issues
Robert J. Shimonski , ... Yuri Gordienko , in Sniffer Pro Network Optimization and Troubleshooting Handbook, 2002
Broadcast Domains
The Ethernet LAN devices and topologies we take discussed thus far handle broadcast traffic in dissimilar ways. The isolation of broadcast packets to a certain portion or segment of the network creates broadcast domains. Allow's expect at a few examples more closely.
Previously, Figure 7.5 showed that we have a 10Base2 hub with 12 workstations. The broadcast domain for this network comprises all segments connecting all devices. A broadcast frame sent from Workstation 1 is received and processed by all other workstations on the hub. In Figure 7.6, we have a 10BaseT Hub with vi workstations attached to it. Once again, a circulate frame sent from Workstation one is seen and processed by all other workstations on the hub. In Effigy 7.7, nosotros introduced the Ethernet span and the concept of network segmentation within a device. Although the bridge is segmenting the network as far as segment-to-segment communication is concerned, information technology has no effect on broadcast traffic. Circulate frames are flooded to all ports and all segments, thereby requiring every device to read and process the frame. The Ethernet switches of Figures seven.viii and 7.9, without VLAN configurations, role in the aforementioned manner as the previously mentioned hub and bridges when they deal with broadcasts. A broadcast frame sent from Workstation i is seen and processed past all devices continued to the switch. In Figure 7.10, we saw the kickoff configuration that controls broadcasts by creating a separate broadcast domain for each VLAN. A broadcast packet sent from Workstation ane is received and processed by Workstations 2 and 3 only. The same broadcast isolation applies to the devices in VLANs 2 and 3. The number of devices and estimated broadcast traffic should be VLAN design considerations.
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Address Resolution Protocol
Walter Goralski , in The Illustrated Network (2d Edition), 2017
Instance ARP Operation
What the ARP process adds to TCP/IP is a mechanism for a source device to ask, "Who has IP address ten.ten.12.52 (this was our first case from the Illustrated Network) and what is the physical (hardware) accost associated with it?"
ARP messages are broadcast frames sent to all stations. The proper destination IP layer realizes that the destination IP address in the packet matches its own and replies directly to the sender. The target device replies by merely reversing the source and destination IP address in the ARP packet. The target also uses its own hardware address equally the source accost in the frame and bulletin.
The ARP process is shown in Figure 6.6. The steps are numbered and taken from the instance earlier in this chapter, where lnxclient ARPs to find the MAC address of winsvr2.
Figure vi.6. The ARP asking and answer procedure. The message asks for the MAC accost associated with the destination, and the sender's address that should receive the reply. Other devices that hear the reply tin can cache the information.
- 1.
The arrangement lnxclient ( assembles an ARP request and sends it as a broadcast frame on the LAN. Considering information technology is unknown, the requested MAC accost field in the ARP message uses all zeros (0s), which are placeholders.
- 2.
All devices attached to the LAN receive and process the broadcast, even the router CE6. But only the device with the target'south IP address in the ARP message (winsvr2 at ten.x.12.52) replies to the ARP. The target also caches the MAC address associated with (the source address in the broadcast frame).
- 3.
The target organisation winsvr2 sends a unicast ARP respond message dorsum to lnxclient. The answer has the MAC address requested both in the frame (as a source address) and in the ARP message field sent equally 0s.
The originating source organisation and the target system will enshroud the hardware accost of the destination and proceed to ship "live" IP packets with the information, at the aforementioned time supplying the proper frame accost equally a parameter to the network access layer software.
Figure 6.7 shows how the ARP asking and answer message shown at the beginning of this chapter look like "on the wire." The field values tin can be compared to the ARP message format shown in Figure half dozen.5. Once more, the lnxclient to winsrv2 ARP pair are used every bit the instance. Trailing zeros are not shown.
Figure half-dozen.7. ARP exchange instance, showing how the requested data is provided by the destination'southward respond.
ARP operation is completely transparent to the user. ARP operation is usually triggered when a user runs some TCP/IP application, such as FTP, and the frame's destination MAC address is not in the ARP cache.
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TCP/IP Protocols and Devices
Walter Goralski , in The Illustrated Network (2nd Edition), 2017
VLAN Frame Tagging
VLAN devices can come in all shapes and sizes, and configuration of the broadcast domains tin be just as variable. Interoperability of LAN switches is compromised when there are multiple means for a device to recognize the boundaries of broadcast domains. To promote interoperability, the IEEE established IEEE 802.1Q to standardize the creation of VLANs through the use of frame tagging.
Some care is needed with this aspect of VLANs. VLANs are non really a formal networking concept, but they are a nice feature that devices can support. I fundamental VLAN characteristic is the ability to place switch ports in virtual circulate domains. The other key feature is the ability to tag Ethernet frames with a VLAN identifier and so that devices tin easily distinguish the boundaries of the broadcast domains. These devices and tags are non codependent, but you lot have to use both features to constitute a useful VLAN.
In a later affiliate, we'll see how the Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) builds on the basic VLAN idea here.
Multiple tags can be placed inside Ethernet frames. In that location is also a way to assign priorities to the tagged frames, often chosen IEEE 802.1p, just officially known every bit IEEE 802.1D-1998. Internetworking devices, not simply LAN switches, can read the tags and establish VLAN boundaries based on the tag information.
VLAN tags add 4 bytes of information betwixt the Source Address and Type/Length fields of Ethernet frames. The maximum size of the modified Ethernet frame is increased from 1518 to 1522 bytes, so the frame cheque sequence must be recalculated when the VLAN tag is added. VLAN identifiers tin can range from 0 to 4095.
The use of VLAN "q in q" tags increases the bachelor VLAN infinite (ISPs often assign each customer a VLAN identifier, and customers oftentimes have their own VLANs equally well). In this case, multiple tags are placed in an Ethernet frame. The format and position of VLAN tags co-ordinate to IEEE 802.3ac are shown in Figure 2.vii.
Figure 2.vii. VLAN tags and frames. Annotation that frames can contain more than ane tag, and often practice.
VLANs are built for a diversity of reasons. Amidst them are:
Security—Frames on an Ethernet segment are delivered everywhere, and devices merely process (look inside) MAC frames that are addressed to them. Nothing stops a device from monitoring everything that arrives on the interface (that'southward essentially how Ethereal works). Sensitive data, or departmental traffic, tin be isolated with virtual LANs.
Cutting down on broadcasts —Some network protocols are much worse than others when it comes to broadcasts. These circulate frames can be an event considering they rarely bear user data and each and every system on the segment must process the content of a circulate frame. VLANs tin isolate protocol broadcasts so that they arrive but at the systems that need to hear them. Also, a number of hosts that might otherwise make up a very large logical network (eastward.grand., Page nineteen what we will call later a "/19-sized wireless subnet") could utilize VLANs because they can be simply patently noisy.
Router delay—Older routers can be much slower than LAN switches. VLANs can be used to establish logical boundaries that exercise not need to utilize a router to go traffic from one LAN segment to another. (In fairness, many routers today route at "wire speed" and do not introduce much latency into a network.)
The Illustrated Network uses Gigabit Ethernet links to connect the customer-edge routers to the Isp networks. Many ISPs would assign the frame arriving from LAN1 and LAN2 a VLAN ID and tag the frames at the provider-edge routers. If the sites are close plenty, some form of Metro Ethernet could exist configured using the tag information. However, the sites are far enough apart that we would have to utilise another method to create a single LAN out of LAN1 and LAN2.
In a after affiliate, we'll employ VLAN tagging, along with some other router switching features, to create a "virtual private LAN" betwixt LAN1 and LAN2 on the Illustrated Network, mainly for security purposes. And so we'll look at VXLANs in a affiliate on Ethernet VPNs (EVPNs).
After that, we'll utilize VXLAN besides.
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Creating Network Segments
Jan 50. Harrington , in Ethernet Networking for the Small Role and Professional Dwelling Office, 2007
Managed Hubs
Some hubs are equipped with the power to capture statistics about network traffic and to accept command commands from a workstation on the network. Such managed hubs make it easier to troubleshoot and maintain a network.
The type of information and control a managed hub can provide usually includes the following:
- ♦
View status of the hub: Equally illustrated in Figure 4-five, the information provided to the user includes a measure of the utilization of the hub, the percentage of time taken up past collisions, the number of packets (frames) broadcast per second, and the percentage of errors detected in the Frame Check Sequence (FCS).
Figure four-5. Viewing the status of a managed hub
- ♦
View the status of a single port: As you tin can see in Figure 4-vi, individual port statistics are the same equally those for the unabridged hub.
Figure 4-half-dozen. Viewing the status of one port on a managed hub
- ♦
Configure the hub: In Effigy 4-seven, for example, you can see that the software shows a replica of the managed hub and allows the user to use a mouse to activate and deactivate individual ports. In addition, the user can set IP addresses and choose what data is gathered about the system.
Figure iv-vii. Configuring ports on a managed hub
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Manage security.
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Collect hub and port usage statistics over time.
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Advanced optical network architecture for the side by side generation net access
C.A. Kyriakopoulos , ... E. Varvarigos , in Smart Cities and Homes, 2016
ii.iii The MAC layer
There are many similarities of the MAC layer (Fig. eleven.three) to XG-PON [9]. A single wavelength is utilized for both downstream and upstream traffic. In XG-PON, a fourth dimension slot lasts 125 μs and includes a number of frames. The nature of the logical topology depends upon passive equipment, so every downstream frame is broadcast and called from the destination ONU co-ordinate to its embedded XGEM identifier [nine] . In other words, every ONU inspects all circulate frames and keeps the one that targets itself as destination.
Effigy 11.three. The MAC Layer
Amidst the similarities (frame duration, XGEM structure, etc) there are also subtle differentiations, since the downstream procedure is not truly broadcast. At that place are two implementation options in the physical layer (passive splitter or WDM) that actually offering a point-to-point downstream connection between the CO and ONUs and if the XGEM identifiers are absent-minded, the CO includes an additional subsystem that assigns frames to ONUs on the ground of their wavelength, as shown in Fig. 11.iii. From a practical perspective, the frame to wavelength mapping can be extracted from the (XGEM identifier, ONU, wavelength) triplet at the CO. Moreover, if the XGEM frame structure is maintained, the XG-PON ONUs are fully compliant with PANDA in the downstream direction.
The fact of using a unmarried wavelength to upstream data, makes PANDA compatible with XG-PON in this information direction. And so, the ONUs construction their upstream data in bursts and the CO is responsible for allowing to transmit them according to a schedule (too called Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment). During this process, the CO ensures that there is not overlapping of upstream frames at the single wavelength connectedness betwixt itself and the main splitter (or WDM co-ordinate to each implementation). In that location are two means for the CO to be enlightened of ONU bandwidth requirements: (1) explicitly through received reports and (2) past inspecting the corporeality of empty upstream frames. According to these actions, information technology is able to employ a sophisticated algorithm for achieving better resource utilization of the network.
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Carrier Ethernet Networks
Sachidananda Kangovi , in Peering Carrier Ethernet Networks, 2017
4.two.5 Service Frame Delivery Attribute (Unicast, Multicast, Circulate, and L2CP Related)
To ensure the total functionality of the subscriber network, it is of import to have an agreement between the subscriber and the CEN carriers on which frames get carried over the network and which do non. The frames traversing the network could be information frames or control frames. Some Ethernet services support delivery of all types of Ethernet protocol data units (PDUs), others may non support commitment of all types of frames. The EVC service attribute can define whether a detail frame is discarded, delivered unconditionally, or delivered conditionally for each ordered UNI pair.
Data frame processing—unlike possibilities of the Ethernet data frames are as follows:
- •
Unicast frames—these are frames that have a specified destination MAC accost. If the destination MAC accost is known by the network, the frame gets delivered to the exact destination. If the MAC address is unknown, the LAN beliefs is to flood the frame within the particular VLAN.
- •
Multicast frames—these are frames that are transmitted to a select group of destinations. This would be whatsoever frame with the least meaning flake of the destination address prepare to 1, except for broadcast, where all bits of the MAC destination address are ready to 1.
- •
Circulate frames—IEEE 802.three defines the broadcast address as a destination MAC accost of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF.
Layer two control processing—different L2CP frames are needed for specific applications. For example, BPDU packets are needed for STP. The provider might make up one's mind to tunnel or discard these frames over the EVC, depending on the service. The post-obit is a listing of currently standardized L2 protocols that can flow over an EVC:
- •
IEEE 802.3x MAC control frames—IEEE 802.3x is an XON/XOFF flow-control machinery that lets an Ethernet interface transport a PAUSE frame in case of traffic congestion on the egress of the Ethernet switch. The 802.3x MAC control frames have destination address 01-80-C2-00-00-01. PAUSE frames are non processed in a carrier Ethernet service. They are ignored.
- •
Link aggregation control protocol (LACP)—this protocol allows the dynamic bundling of multiple Ethernet interfaces betwixt two switches to form an aggregate bigger pipage. The destination MAC address for these control frames is 01-80-C2-00-00-02.
- •
IEEE 802.1x port hallmark—this protocol allows a user (an Ethernet port) to exist authenticated into the network via a dorsum-end server, such as a RADIUS server. The destination MAC address is 01-80-C2-00-00-03.
- •
Generic Aspect Registration Protocol (GARP)—the destination MAC address is 01-fourscore-C2-00-00-2X.
- •
STP—the destination MAC address is 01-lxxx-C2-00-00-00.
- •
All-span multicast—the destination MAC accost is 01-80-C2-00-00-10.
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Cisco IOS Switch Basics
Dale Liu , in Cisco Router and Switch Forensics, 2009
Switch Concepts
The bottom line is that switches have many major advantages over hubs in terms of efficiency and security in communications. Much has been learned of using network switching engineering science and both IT administrators and purchasers accept a deeper agreement of the costs and benefits of using switches in an enterprise. Earlier we swoop into the technicalities, let's offset with some terms that will help us forth:
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Collision Occurs when two hosts try to admission (or transmit) on a shared medium at the aforementioned fourth dimension, resulting in a collision of their frames.
- ▪
Broadcasts Refers to both Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layer two (information link) broadcasts where frames are destined to all hosts on a subnetwork, and OSI Layer 3 (Internet) broadcasts where packets are destined to all hosts on a network. Layer two circulate frames take a destination Media Admission Control (MAC) accost of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and Layer 3 broadcast addresses have a destination Internet Protocol (IP) address that is set for the broadcast of that particular network (the address varies, so don't ever presume that an IP address catastrophe with 255 is the broadcast address).
- ▪
MAC address Refers to the hardware, Ethernet, or burned-in address of an Ethernet network interface. It is composed of a 48-chip address in a hexadecimal string of characters that designate the manufacturer ID and a unique serial number for the device.
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Host For the purposes of this discussion, a estimator with a network bill of fare capable of communicating on an Ethernet network.
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Bridges The predecessors to switches and switching technology. Bridges have limitations that switches improve on.
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Frame A unit that is applied to the OSI model that defines the size and composition of a stream of network communication. In terms of the Ethernet specification, it is basically composed of a source MAC address, a destination MAC address, protocol data, and a data payload consisting of data from the upper layers of the OSI model.
Advantages over Hubs
Not long agone, switches were considered an extravagance, and the mainstream network product to deploy onto a campus network was a hub. In fact, easy-to-remember formulas allowed anyone to determine in what circumstance hubs should be deployed in a network.
The good news is that nosotros've passed a major milestone where the price of switches has come downward and they are easy to find on nearly whatever retail shelf. This helps attract penny-focused firms and motivates them to take the plunge and purchase more switching hardware. In fact, when comparison dollars to performance improvement switches toll an infrastructure less money and offer more operation if properly used. Not every organization is pushing 100 meg or ane billion bits per 2d in and out of the switch, all of the fourth dimension. Think of the bandwidth in terms of slices. For example, say that at one moment you lot are nearly saturating the network with a database query asking that goes out of the switch'southward upstream port to somewhere out of the part. The adjacent moment your system is tranquillity; this is where your coworker is using the bandwidth to download an Adam Sandler video from YouTube. Considering switches are using switched architecture to keep these two communications separate from each other, the finite amount of bandwidth is appropriately used. If this occurred on a cheaper set of hubs, both you and your coworker would have been saturating the network, preventing each other from transmitting whatsoever packets and peradventure causing frame collisions.
The other reason switches are a amend investment in terms of efficiency compared to cost is at the centre of the switching technology built within switches. Without getting into electrical and computer engineering science concepts, switches are effective at keeping conversations that occur betwixt two ports separated from any other ports or pairs of ports, without sacrificing the speed of manual/reception or bandwidth. Then, suppose you want to download that Adam Sandler video from your coworker. Both of you volition make maximum use of the bandwidth between you equally long as yous are on the same switch. Just now say that two other coworkers are decorated downloading PC games from a game-sharing Spider web site using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). If they happened to exist on the same switch as you and your cubical neighbour, both sets of network traffic communications would not interfere with each other, and this raises the efficiency of the workplace, at least on a theoretical facilitation aspect.
Now, it's pretty tough to find a hub these days, let alone one that has more than a handful of ports, and that helps when it comes to computer security. A hub is really a multiport repeater. Given that you are now on a bones network hub, now the network traffic that hits the wire when you ship your database query request really goes to every port and every workstation that is connected to the hub, possibly causing frame collisions. (Call back back in the old days, Ethernet transmission collisions occurred when two workstations transmitted their bits onto the network at nearly the same fourth dimension over a shared medium unbeknownst to each other. This series of bits overlapped each other, resulting in a collision. Then every workstation had to end "talking" for a brusque only random menstruum of fourth dimension until everything settled back downwards on the network.) Switches manage to keep the medium shared in such a mode that broadcast frames are transmitted to each port of the switch, just unicast frames are not, in near cases. A switch has to broadcast a unicast frame when it does not know which port a destination MAC address is connected to, so it has to broadcast it to every port, and when its port-to-MAC accost table (known as the content-addressable memory, or CAM) is filled and cannot accept more entries, it is forced to revert to the behavior of a hub. Otherwise, it keeps switched conversations apart from each host that is communicating on the switch.
Since the conversations are separated from each other, it also means that our workstation cannot eavesdrop on or "sniff" the unicast traffic using a network analyzer because of the separation in virtually cases. However, sometimes you can configure a calculator network card to accept traffic destined to anyone else (called promiscuous mode) as well as existence physically located on either one of the switch's truck ports or traffic spanning port that was left unsecured.
Every advance in progress, and particularly in engineering, has a caveat or vulnerability. Then, when you experience the urge to boast about how secure your new rack full of switches is, ensure that the IOS (or CatOS, if that is the instance) is the latest supported version, logins and passwords are managed, data logging is going to a syslog facility of some sort, unwanted or unneeded services are turned off, and configurations are routinely checked. You should practise all of this and more than to reduce the chance of commercial or open source tools turning your fancy switch farm into a hub by flooding its port-to-MAC association table.
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A Elementary Implementation
Edward Insam PhD, BSc , in TCP/IP Embedded Internet Applications, 2003
Read the Ethernet header
Commencement, we read the first 14 bytes from the DMA buffer into local retention. These contain destination and source MAC addresses plus the blazon field (or length field for 802 frames). We are storing these in a 'C' divers construction S_ETHHDR, which conveniently allocates the 14-byte array as two 6-byte field addresses, plus a 2-byte protocol field. The first field (corresponding to the first six bytes retrieved from the DMA) are the six-byte destination MAC accost; this address volition take already been checked past the hardware, so but frames arriving with the same address as our MAC accost, or take Ethernet multicast or broadcast addresses will be present here. The 2d field is the source address, that is, the address of the sender. We shall need this number later on to know who to answer to. The third field is the payload frame blazon (in Ethernet 2 frames) or the frame length (in IEEE 802 frames). We compare this number against 0600hex. If greater, the field is a protocol type and we salvage it every bit such. If less, the frame is IEEE 802, we demand to move the pointer forward half-dozen bytes, and read the protocol field again. We exercise this by reading (and dumping) the side by side 6 bytes from the DMA buffer, then read the next 2 bytes and place the effect in the 'blazon' variable of the S_ETHHDR structure. The protocol types we are interested in are 0800hex (IP frames) and 0806hex (ARP frames). Frames with other protocols are only ignored this phase. Refer to Capacity v and half-dozen for more details.
At this point, it should be worth mentioning that the 2-byte field value is stored in network-order equally received, with the about significant byte first, and that we are not performing whatsoever byte reordering operations here (mainly to salvage code and time). Because of this, these values must be compared with byte-inverted versions of the frame type. Be aware of this when porting to other systems that may be storing data in unlike orders. In one case the comparison is made, the activeness to exist performed is as follows:
If protocol field is 0x800: This denotes the residue of the frame is an IP frame (or packet). We want to pass this on to the next layer. We store the sender's MAC address in a global variable (we need to know who to respond to!), and render the function with a known return code to permit the next function know this was an IP packet. We might also first want to bank check that the destination MAC accost is non a circulate 'all FFs' address (unless we are as well interested in broadcast frames). Storing the sender'due south MAC address in a global variable is not such a expert idea if our system needs to handle multiple connections. Ideally, this accost should be passed on dynamically as a function argument.
If protocol field is 0x806: This denotes the incoming frame was an ARP frame. Nosotros shall be processing this protocol locally. Nosotros read the next 28 bytes from the DMA into a local 'C' defined structure S_ARPPKT. The structure will now contain the full ARP request including header plus payload. We then cheque the OP field in the structure that contains the ARP requested part. If the OP field is an ARP request (0x0001), a remote node is asking for our IP address; we assemble a response ARP frame that includes our MAC and IP addresses and transmit it back to the remote as presently equally possible. Having washed this, we stop the role with a zero return. We exercise not need to store any interim variables or practice annihilation else. If the OP field is an ARP reply (0x0002), a remote must be telling us their MAC address, we need to store this for later utilize. This reply will only happen because at some point in the past our system must have broadcast an ARP request (in an ARP request nosotros broadcast a message saying 'whoever has this IP accost, please tell me your MAC address'). After this, nosotros terminate the function with a known render to point the residue of the organisation that a remote IP/MAC address pair has been received, across that we exercise not need to exercise annihilation else. Ideally, we should return the MAC/IP pair as arguments or flagged messages, but in a small system, we may only have the selection of storing these as global.
If frame field is 'other codes': Our system could exist enhanced to process other link level protocols such as RARP, if needed. Otherwise, nosotros just return the role with a aught for no farther action to be taken.
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